
Rights Group Raises Alarm Over Property Grab Move Against Physically Challenged Persons In Owerri By Uzodinma Aides

A human rights group, Onurube has raised alarm over a ruthless property grab move against physically challenged persons in Owerri by appointees of Governor Hope Uzodinma of Imo State.

The convener of Onurube, Marjorie Ezihe, who raised the alarm, said illegal eviction notice has been served on the physically challenged residents of the property along Sumec Road, old Imo Secretariat, Okigwe Road, Owerri.

Ezihe while visiting the residents on Friday called on Mr Uzodimma to intervene and stop his aides from committing atrocity.

According to her, some of the governor’s aides a hell-bent on taking over the property forcefully.

She said, “Your Excellency, our preliminary investigation prompted by a call for help by the leadership of the disabled community based on a two-week eviction notice from the Owerri Capital Development Authority (OCDA) on the 31st of May, 2024 for effect on Friday, June 14th 2024, and harassment from the SA’s to the governor on poverty alleviation and land recovery respectively as well as directors from the office of the Secretary to the State government (SSG) is in our estimation not consistent with government practices and procedures in any such situation, but rather depicts a misunderstanding of mandate responsibility and or miscommunication amongst agencies and appointees of government, which does not represent your Excellency’s pronounced administrative policy for empathy and inclusion, especially with persons living with disability.

“Our investigations reveal a takeover bid devoid of government legal precedent and procedures, rife with personal acquisition tendencies and corrupt practices.

“Your Excellency, one Director Okerereke from the SSG’s office, who may be reached on this phone number together with his accomplices, arbitrarily leases and collects rents from these tenants. He has tried but failed to negotiate a rent payment schedule for One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (₦150,000), with the community of persons living with disability residents at this property, and has since sustained threatening and harassment of the community.

“On the other hand, the one SA on land recovery has stormed these persons and their abodes with contingents of gun welding law enforcement officers, in his bid to dislodge them and takeover the premises. All of these anti-human actions, which we are convinced, are against your Excellency’s administration’s development imperative as it concerns persons with disability. These persons are without employment, and have vulnerable children and women dependents, which will adversely be impacted by this eviction.

“Hence, ÓNÚRÚBE calls on your Excellency to actively engage your legendary renowned humanitarian imperative to stop a perpetuating of humanitarian crimes which portends grave consequences for our state,” the group said.

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